Monday, September 20, 2010

Self Discovery of sorts

Lately I have been taking a good look at my life. I think with all the changes and growth that has been taking place in my life over these past three months, it has really made me stop and not only see how far God has brought me, but also look at my life and gain confidence in the woman He has created me to be. It's the little self discovers of finding out why I am the way that I am and loving the person I am growing into. No matter how quirky or insecure I may be...God loves me for me. Such a little concept, yet one that has so much depth in my life anymore. The following is a random list of some of my self discoveries I've pondered as of late.

I have a fear of failure and my insecurities have held me back from so much in life. I'm determined to change that.

I'm not one to express myself verbally as much as I would like to. It's an area that I have grown in by leaps and bounds over the years, yet I'm still a work in progress.

I've wasted too much of my life wrapped up in stress and worry. By the grace of God I'm finally learning how to let it go and give Him control.

Many times I have talked to God about my annoyance with my "emotional" side. But I've come to realize that He has blessed me with a soft heart, one with compassion that hurts when others hurt. One that literally feels what others are going through and God has been able to turn it into something beautiful. I wouldn't change that for anything.

I used to (not so much anymore) be concerend with what God was doing in other people's lives and what He wasn't doing in mine. I've realized that He does a different work in each and every one of us and if I am so consumed with what is happening in the lives of those around me then I just might miss out on the blessings He is doing in my life.

What about you? What have you discovered lately?

ashley jael

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited that you started a blog, Ash! I'll definitely add you to my links so we can follow each other. :-) Glad to see what the Lord is doing in your life; those sorts of discoveries are great and can help us grow so much! I've been learning lately that the best way to help ourselves is to help others. I, like you, spent a fair amount of time wondering when God would start doing more in my own life, but I realized that I'm also responsible for my own life and that it's my job to actively participate in the work He's doing. And the best way to help MYSELF is to get up and help others. The blessings that come from helping other people...and taking the focus off of such a valuable thing, and yet so easily forgotten!
