Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Lord Provides

For those of you that haven't already heard, I am terribly blessed and excited to inform you that my ticket for Sri Lanka has been purchased! My heart is at ease knowing that this goal has been reached and seeing just how faithful God has been to provide for me every step of the way. I am also grateful that the orginal goal of raising $3,500 for the total cost of the trip, has now been reduced to $3,000 (Isn't God good?!). I have been so blessed and awestuck at how God has provided through His people. So, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!!!! It's only through your obedience to Christ that this trip for me is going to be made possible. Thank you for listening to His voice and blessing me with an amazing opportunity to "go into all the world and preach the gospel" (Mark 16:15). I can't even begin to elaborate on how excited I am that this trip is becoming more of a reality day by day.

I ask that you keep me (as well as the rest of my team) in your prayers as God continues to prepare our hearts for the work He has for us in Sri Lanka. I will be updating my blog with more information on the team, ways you can pray more specifically, the goals for our trip, as well as any other little details the Lord lays on my heart.

As for now, please continue to pray for financial provision for the remaining money that I need to raise, as well as for my unrelenting trust in the Lord who provides.

With love,

(If you feel it in your heart to help support me financially,
you can do so by clicking the donate button on the right toolbar)

1 comment:

  1. WOW! I was wondering how it all went because the deadline had passed. Praise God!
