Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Give Thanks
With love,
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
He loves me for me
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Heart Construction
Thursday, October 14, 2010
The Greatest Story
The Greatest Story
by Avalon
Some days your own resolve is strong
And other days you bend
it's two steps forward, one step back
and a stumble now and then
You wonder if you'll ever really make the difference
you've prayed that you will
Well, I know that prayer will be fulfilled 'cause
Your life woven day by day
is a new design of the glory God displays
on the canvas of creation
Through the poem of history
in the pattern of redemption
running through the tapestry
Your life in Christ can be
the greatest story ever told
You cannot see the hands of God
or feel the grace that flows
from Him through you to those you touch
In ways you'll never know
you cannot measure worth by human standards
That's always a lie
oh, you have to see through heaven's eyes how...
In the light of eternity
Standing face to face you will finally see
for the very first time you'll understand
your perfect place in the Master's plan and how...
ashley jael
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
What If?
With love,
Monday, October 4, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Self Discovery of sorts
I have a fear of failure and my insecurities have held me back from so much in life. I'm determined to change that.
I'm not one to express myself verbally as much as I would like to. It's an area that I have grown in by leaps and bounds over the years, yet I'm still a work in progress.
I've wasted too much of my life wrapped up in stress and worry. By the grace of God I'm finally learning how to let it go and give Him control.
Many times I have talked to God about my annoyance with my "emotional" side. But I've come to realize that He has blessed me with a soft heart, one with compassion that hurts when others hurt. One that literally feels what others are going through and God has been able to turn it into something beautiful. I wouldn't change that for anything.
I used to (not so much anymore) be concerend with what God was doing in other people's lives and what He wasn't doing in mine. I've realized that He does a different work in each and every one of us and if I am so consumed with what is happening in the lives of those around me then I just might miss out on the blessings He is doing in my life.
What about you? What have you discovered lately?
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Remember when we worked at Summer camp?
Remember When...
Otter Pops
Cougar life!
Dance Parties
Long and Skinny
Ultimate Frisbee
Lakeview Prayer Chapel
Orientation Week
Cabin 96
Lake Days
"Mighty Mouse"
That dreaded AM hill
Justin Bieber's "baby"
Monday night gatherings
Sunflower butter sandwiches
Worshiping under a canopy of stars
"Yeah you did!"
Tuesday morning picture days
Inspector Gadget dance
Fwee Twogs
5am Lost mine hike
Code 9's
Grandma jokes
Thursday night affirmations
Staff banquet
ashley jael
Monday, May 31, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
I {heart} Mom
Friday, April 16, 2010
Lately I've come to realize how little we know of the definition of love. Not the kind of love portrayed by the world's standards, but the way God wants us to love. Sure we know to "love our enemies" and "love our neighbor just as our self" but do we really practice TRUE love with the relationships around us? Often I think we fall easily into doing for others as long as our needs are being met. As long as our egos are boosted and we feel loved then we can love back. That is not Christ's definition of love.
"Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails." 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a
He calls us to a life of self sacrifice, humbly putting the needs of others above ours. When someone hurts you do you choose to forgive and forget instead of growing bitter and holding a grudge? When you face opposition with loved ones do you abandon them or stand by their side? If a friend is in need of a shoulder to cry on do you put your needs aside and be that support they need?
We need to die to ourselves and love like Christ loves, trying to imitate the kind of love that He daily lavishes on us.
ashley jael
Monday, April 12, 2010
Finding Thankfulness
With any situation that arises in my life, I feel the need to fix it. Unintentionally, I've made myself believe that my worry and stress over a set of circumstances is helping somehow. But in reality, it's only making things worse. Only God is capable of handling the problems that spring up in my life and my worrying about it only shows my lack of trust in Him. x
As humans, we are frail and can only handle the weight of one day at a time. Why let unwanted circumstances, like the weather, ruin what God can have for us today? When we are thankful for what God is doing in our lives, we are free from resentment and He is able to work through our situation and allow His beauty to shine from it.
"This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24
ashley jael
Monday, April 5, 2010
For most of my life I've viewed change as this monster who I loathed terribly. After all, it was this monster who moved this once 12 year girl from the only place I'd ever known to a state where I knew no one and wouldn't for some time. For me, it has always been tied to pain and heartache. Tears and frustration. Only now, as an adult, do I see the value and beauty it can bring to one's life.
Through the years my life has had many twists and turns, which my perfectionist-self has not enjoyed. I like plans and hate to have something thrown on me on a whim. But, I've quickly come to realize that God doesn't work that way. In fact, I think He kind of enjoys the latter. It's then that, someone like myself, really has to rely and trust in Him.
These past few years have brought a lot of change my way. I moved back to where God had moved me from some 10 years ago. Then I moved again. And again. And then...again. I gained friends and I lost some along the way. I questioned Him many times. I got hurt. I failed. I loved. I cried.
Though it still remains a painful process, I know now that the end result is always worth it. I've seen the evidence portrayed over and over again in my life. If it weren't for change, I would not be the person I am today. I would have never had the opportunity to grow, to stretch, to create, to be transformed.
"He has made everything beautiful in its time..." Ecclesiates 3:11
Only God can take the change that comes our way, no matter how big of a mess it seems, and bring beauty from it. And it's that beauty I'm so desperately longing for. So, as change knocks on my door once again, I'm ready this time.
ashley jael